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Stop Burglars Fast with the innovative Burglarybuster system

Securing French Doors
How To Secure Single & Double Handled
French Patio Doors

The Burglarybuster is a unique secondary locking device that acts as a last line of defence when unlawful entry has been gained from outside. This superb device can be applied to single-handled and also to double-handled French Patio doors.
For many years residents with Single-handled French doors have without success, sought a secondary security solution to protect family members while occupying the home. The good news is that the Burglarybuster has been developed to provide this protection.

As an industry leader we know that on average.

More than 1000 break-ins are occurring daily in the UK.

Two in every three of these are through a door,

One in every three break-ins is in to an occupied home.

Burglars understand that of all doors in the home, French Doors with a single handle are the most vulnerable of all doors.

Burglars target French doors in occupied homes and seek silent entry by;

(a) Opening unlocked French doors

Opening unlocked French doors

(b) Prising open French doors

Prising open French doors

(c) Snapping or bumping the euro cylinder lock

Snapping or bumping the euro cylinder lock

The Burglarybuster System is the strongest locking device available for securing French Patio doors because of its unique and patented fixing method , whereby, two 6mm thick Carriage Bolts are inserted into the entire thickness of both opening doors to support the two brackets that hold the device in place.


When installed the Burglarybuster cuffs the two doors together and prevents the French door from being opened from outside, even when the door is unlocked, has been prised-open, or when the euro cylinder lock has been disengaged.

To comply with Health & Safety procedures simple release of the safety U pin allows immediate emergency exit.

As leading residential security specialists our experience informs us of how the burglar’s mind works. We know that silent break-ins through doors are favoured by burglars and that these can potentially create the most dangerous of incidents for residents. However, it is important to note that in these circumstances the burglar will seldom break glass because remaining undisturbed is his main concern.


Again, our experience proves that providing a large visual lock deterrent on a French door gives too much information to the burglar. The Burglarybuster is therefore designed to keep the burglar guessing and is discreetly positioned behind both door leaf edges and out of normal front-on vision from outside.
Finally, as protecting the property when the home is unoccupied is a separate matter we recommend the installation of the Burglarybuster, plus laminated glass, or high-security window film for French doors and all downstairs windows located to the side and rear of the building.
For all French Doors that open outwards use Burglarybuster 1 and for all French Doors that open inwards use Burglarybuster 3.

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